The Lincs Bird Report 2014

2014 Report 300px

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Obituary – Keith Atkin
Systematic List
Contributing Authors: Tony Baker, Anthony Bentley, Graham Catley,
Andrew Chick, John Clarkson, Phil Espin, Vin Fleming, Chris Grimshaw,
Matthew Harrison, Andrew Henderson, Grahame Hopwood, Phil Hyde,
Steve Lorand, Ian Macalpine-Leny, Bill Sterling, Ben Ward, John Watt.

Appendix 1 – Records in 2014 of species not currently accepted on the BOU British list
Ringing Report 2014

Black-winged Pratincole Glareola nordmanni: first record for Lincolnshire at Gibraltar Point - J. P. Shaughnessy
Gyr Falcon Falco rusticolus: Barton Pits and Read’s Island - Graham Catley
The Birds of Covenham Reservoir 1970-2014 - Keith Robinson, John Clarkson, Matthew Harrison and Andrew Henderson


£2.00 + £2.10 Post and packing

About Us

We are the Lincolnshire Bird Club

Our aims are to encourage and further the interest in the birdlife of the historic County of Lincolnshire; to participate in organised fieldwork activities; to collect and publish information on bird movements, behaviour, distribution and populations; to encourage conservation of the wildlife of the County and to provide sound information on which conservation policies can be based.