Lincolnshire Rare and Scarce Bird Report 1997-1999
Introduction : The First Lincolnshire Rares Report
Summary of Rare and Scarce Birds in Lincolnshire for the years 1997-1999
Review of the year 1997
Review of the year 1998
Review of the year 1999
Selected Systematic List 1997-1999
Accounts of Lincolnshire Rarities 1997-1999
Whistling Swan, January 1998, Kevin Durose
Franklin 's Gull, May 1998, Kevin Durose
River Warbler, May 1998, Kevin Durose
Little Swift, June 1998, Graham Catley
Red-flanked Bluetail, October 1999, Kevin Durose
List of Contributors
Cover bound, 62 pages
includes 22 colour + 2 black & white photographs + 1 pen & ink drawing
£2.00 Per copy + £1.60 Post and Packing