Pink-backed Pelican  Pelicanus rufescens

Subtropical and tropical Africa from Senegal E to Sudan, Somalia and south to northern South Africa and Namibia; also SW Arabia and, in small numbers, extreme SE Egypt.


One Lincolnshire record: Chapel St Leonard's, Lincolnshire, 26th; Mablethorpe, Lincolnshire, October 27th 1990; presumed same as the bird seen at Holkham, Norfolk, 25th February 1989; 

This record comes under none of the BOU categories but was published by BBRS under the appendix 'List of records not accepted but identification proved' which  provides a permanent record of those occurrences which, usually on the grounds of likely escape from captivity, find no place in any category, but which may, at some future date, merit further consideration. It does not include (a) any record of a species for which natural vagrancy is wholly unlikely or (b) those records of presumed escapes already mentioned in the main text of this or earlier Reports (British Birds 1998, 89 (11): 481-531).

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We are the Lincolnshire Bird Club

Our aims are to encourage and further the interest in the birdlife of the historic County of Lincolnshire; to participate in organised fieldwork activities; to collect and publish information on bird movements, behaviour, distribution and populations; to encourage conservation of the wildlife of the County and to provide sound information on which conservation policies can be based.